Talk About Blog - Who I would like to study with

If I could study with anyone it would be Nanna Melland. Not so much for a classic teacher student relationship, I would rather just be in the same space as her and discuss our concepts, ideas and processes while creating together. I first discovered her through a classmate during my masters. She became famous in the art jewellery world for her shocking ‘Heart’ bracelet. This piece really tickled me as I designed an anatomical heart during my undergrade thesis and my prof and I discuss the possibitily of it being a bracelet because I wear my heart on my sleeve. No one says this like Nanna Melland.
Heart Charm
‘People who personally have been close to
death, always impress me with their appreciation
of life. As if they know that it does not last
forever, in contrast to many of us, who seem to
live as if death is never going to happen.’
Nanna Melland

I then had the honour of hearing Nanna speak at ‘Sting of Passion’ the first jewellery exhibition in an art museum. It was fabulous. She has this way of transforming ideas about the body, like birth control, into deep, profound works of wearable art. This piece 687 Years is about birth control methods and is made of used IUD’s from hundreds of women.
If you’d never seen an IUD, it’s inserted into a woman’s womb and prevents fertilization of the woman’s egg. Check out The Weird History of Contraception where I found this great image:
I came across a write up from the Grey Area that describes perfectly the experience of hearing Nanna speak:
'Nanna Melland from Norway also gave an informative presentation of her work, not only in terms of explaining her practice but also in terms of her transformation from traditional goldsmith to contemporary jewelry. Particularly impressive was how clearly she articulated the relationship between the conceptual scope of her pieces, and the process of their manufacture. This, and her willingness to present ambivalent pieces of dubious beauty – ‘that force the viewer to contemplate matter that is neither social nor pleasing’- drew strong positive reactions from the crowd.'April 15th, 2010 01:04, Gray Area: Day Three

Also while reading Grey Area I came across this photo. I don't know who you are Dauvit Alexander, but I'd also like to study with you too:
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it,
Check out the other members of the Handmade Division to find out who they would like to study with.
Andes Cruz:
Nancy Dale:
Tosca Teran:
Beth Cyr:
Lisa Hopkins Design:
Sand Fibers:

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