Talk About Blog: Grandma

I am part of the amazing Handmade Division Etsy Team and every month we blog about the same Topic. This month’s topic was chosen by myself because my Grandmother recently passed away and left me her entire jewellery collection. It really made me reflect on my whole career as a jewellery designer and I am so thankful to her for sharing her love of jewellery with me in both life and death. This month’s topic: What’s the most precious handmade or sentimental gift you’ve ever been given and why? These are by far my most treasured pieces because they hold pictures of my father as a child and my brother and I when we were young. Thank you Grandma. Grandmad Locket Grandma Locket Dad The second locket brings a tear to my eye as it holds pictures of my brother and I. Grandmad Locket Us Grandmad Locket Us Inside The specialness of lockets is in what you choose to put in them. I hope you enjoy my next post about two Custom lockets I created for two sisters who lost their brother this year. They also chose to have pictures in them and an engraving of their tattoo. But until that post check out what the other members think is their most treasured gift. Andes Cruz: Barbara Donovan: Thanks for reading, Rickson

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry for the loss of your grandmother, Rickson. What a lovely and thoughtful gift for her to leave you.
